April 4-5th Severe Weather Outlook
I know its been another hot minute. It’s not often we can talk about sever potential out near day 7 with any degree of confidence, or even skill beyond climatology, but we have such a chance today. Of course, at this range, we have to rely on global models...
Front Range Whiplash and Northern Plains Snow
After a bit of a hiatus, I’m back! Changing jobs and moving takes a toll after all. There is an interesting week of weather ahead, its had some pretty impressive signals in the global ensembles. Why all the activity all of a sudden? Let’s dive in. SSWE – Sudden...
Here Come the Raw Deterministic Snow Forecasts!
It is the time of year where a quick glance at deterministic medium-range models can show you whatever you are looking for: snow, severe, and anything in between. There is never a shortage of forecast hour 240 model output of snow circulating on social media (like the GFS plot...